Posted on: Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Posted at: 7:53 AM
hehe haven't posted for quite a while. i should post more, just that i'm lazy. :D


Inspiration strikes
I don't know what to write
But I know I must write
For you

Not for those in the past
Who stayed for a little while
Then left

Not those in the future
Creeping closer by the moment
Whose faces gleam with hope behind the mists of time

But I write, I know I must
Only for you
For you

Quite a dumb poem, but it makes a lot of sense to me now. Describes how i feel. a little detached, yet still alive with passion and feeling. CONFUSED. the title of the poem is "untitled", by the way. haha. O__O 11.01. haha one minute past the time i told my dad i'll sleep.

Love isn't blind. It just doesn't see what it doesn't want to see.

haha retaaaaarded.
