Posted on: Friday, August 28, 2009
Posted at: 7:41 AM
Minstrel Man - Langston Hughes

Because my mouth
Is wide with laughter
And my throat
Is deep with song,
You do not think I suffer
I have held my pain
So long?

Because my mouth
Is wide with laughter,
You do not hear
My inner cry?
Because my feet
Are gay with dancing,
You do not know I die?

langston hughes is so cool. :D

Posted on:
Posted at: 7:36 AM
hello. i finally found a nice poem. hehe. :D it's by Langston Hughes or smth like that. i like his poems. they're really nice. and and Roger McGrough's poems are really nice too! :D haha it took me a really long time to find a nice poem. i hope its ok.

I wanna be the leader
I wanna be the leader
Can I be the leader? Can I? I can?
Promise? Promise?
Yippee I'm the leader. I'm the leader

OK what shall we do?

- Roger McGrough.

AHAHA the poem's so cool. haha. there's nothing much to post abt, except that i've been kinda sick but im getting better so yeah. thats good. my dad made me wear a mask which is super uncomfortable coz its very hot and then it keeps falling off coz its really big. and uncomfortable. and it's green. ooh.

well theres nothing else to say. not really. thank God it's friday. :D

Posted on: Sunday, August 23, 2009
Posted at: 7:32 AM

See that oyster, at the bottom of the sea
So hard, so dull, bearing the pain of the world
But inside you find, that unknown to all
Is a treasure beyond worth, a beautiful pearl

See that clown, the funniest one of all
Who knows not the cares of the world
But actually all that you have seen
Is nothing more than a show

See my face, so happy and free
So young and full of life
But you don't see that those crystals I hold
Are the lonely tears that I cry

I see your heart, struggling for hope
Not knowing where to go
I see your smile, your twinkling eyes
And I wonder how much we all really know

See the busy streets, see that ordinary girl
That's all she'll ever be
But who knows, maybe someday
She'll bloom for all the world to see

Posted on:
Posted at: 6:42 AM
today is sunday. tomorrow is monday. school day. argh. i dont like mondays. they're the looong days and the tiring days. mondays and tuesdays are horrible. but after that the week becomes a little bit more bearable. last time they used to be fun, but now its like tiring and not so fun. :( i dont know why. maybe its exams. like EYAs are approaching. im not sure if its EOY or EYA... :S rgs likes to come up with funny acronyms for the exams and all.

i feel very dead. like each day is just monotonous and like again-and-again type. its so horrible. and every week i can just look forward to the weekends coz thats when i can like let everything frm the week out. last saturday (yesterday) was pretty much a disappointment though. idk why. maybe it'll be better next week. i think i screwed it up. i hate it when i screw up. like, u can never turn back time and re-do what you did wrong. and its like i keep feeling like i have to apologise (to God) for it. like again and again. during worship, like the thought of all the stuff i did wrong just kept appearing in my mind, and that really pissed me off. like i keep feeling like i havent apologised enough u know. yeah.

on a brighter note, exams are over! yay. but i have bio spa and english oral tomorrow. sigh. i have no idea wad the spa's gonna be like. i just hope i do ok... ohoh. i went for training on friday. it was so fun ahaha. all we did was play matches. and it was so fun. hehe. i think i'll go again on wednesday and friday. not tomorrow, i have stuff to do. (:

well my dad's telling me to go brush up. so yeah.

Posted on: Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Posted at: 7:09 AM
hehe havent posted for quite long liao. too lazy i guess. today was such a slack day, coz school ended at 1.15pm and i didnt have training! :D haha then i went home and took at least 1 and a half hour to eat my BANDITO POCKET. yay so happy i got to eat it today. but then i bought a meal then the person forgot to give me my potato and coleslaw. T_T waste my money. ugh. next time i'll check. i think the person was new or smth so she forgot. -.-" i was kinda pissed at first, but then one look at my bandito thing and all my troubles went away. :D it makes me happy.

anyway, i only kinda started work abt 3 hrs after i came home, which isnt that bad. my mom was watching the special features of boys over flowers, then i happened to stumble into the room (WITHOUT KNOWING SHE WAS WATCHING IT) then i saw her watching it, and hehe i stayed in that room for maybe the next few minutes. or so. haha it was quite amusing, seeing all the NG takes and all the stupid stuff that happens on set. so funny. haha. but they were speaking in korean and there werent any subtitles. -.-" so we just watched them speak funny and do funny actions. which was amusing enough.

but then ansel pooed, so my mom had to change and bathe him, then halfway through she was like "aiyah!" and guess wad? ansel had pooed in his bathwater. EW. it was gross lar. like little bits of orangey-brown stuff floating in his water. it was so gross. floating. little little orange bits. yeah, his poo isnt brown, its ORANGE. orange. -.-"

heh exams are coming up soon. math and chinese was yesterday. it was ok lar. im just thankful that its over. more exams next week. :S hehe but i felt really guilty for slacking so much the past few days so i started studying liao. i made this extensive notes thing for geog. hehe. its long. but makes my revision easier. so its good.

anyway need to sleep soon. yeah. :D
