Posted on: Sunday, July 26, 2009
Posted at: 2:35 AM
The Dollworld

Pretty faces, ivory skin
Gleaming eyes of glass
Frozen smile

Oh so perfect, so well run
Trying to hide the cracked soul
Life is draining out

One imperfection, one mistake
No longer part of our dollworld
You're out

Hear the still music, silent music
See how the cold sun shines
On our perfect little dollworld

Slow, dying heart
Screaming for life
Crying for hope

Pretty dolls, perfect dolls
Leading perfect empty lives
In a perfect empty world

Silence the fear, silence the joy
Silence all that's worth living for
Live in our perfect little dollworld

Posted on: Friday, July 24, 2009
Posted at: 7:52 PM
rgs played dunman yesterday .___. we totally got trashed. 29 to 47. and THEN we had training. training... -.-" but anyway mr ang was surprisingly nice. i think he knew we were alrdy very down coz of the match and didn't like want to make it worse for us or smth. anyway, he taught us stuff, and we did the stuff, but i just felt like really dead. dunno lar. anyway i was asking god why we lost this match, and he was like "it's to wake you guys up so you won't get too slack before it's too late." and then at training mr ang said something like that too, and the other basketballers said the same thing, so i guess god's right. i trust that he'll make thing ok. it was quite disappointing though.

haha but after training it was damn fun lar. quite retarded too. louisa went to take my shoes, and then they didnt wanna return it to me and i was like running all around the room trying to get them back. haha they so funny can. i love rgbballers. they're so awesome. including me. XD yeah they said they did this kind of stuff on ppl's bdays, but qiu hui said usually they would pour water on the person, so yeah im quite thankful they didn't.

feel quite messed up now, but i dont know why. maybe it's coz lots of things happened yesterday, good and bad and i dont know how im supposed to feel.


Posted on: Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Posted at: 3:52 AM
rgs had a match with yishun town today. we won, but i forgot the score. haha. the rest played quite well, but i was damn sucky. ugh. :( it's not like i can do anything abt it so i guess i'll just keep trying. trying and trying and trying and trying. i dont know leh. like when i go out on court my head's just in a whirl. like i'm super super super focused on one thing. then i forget everything else. UGH. then after it's over i cant really remember wad happened. it just seems messy and like whirlwind-y.

anyway, tmr's the match with dunman high. farah so poor thing, have to play against her old teammates. maybe i'll know wad it feels like if we play with anglican high. if we play against them. haha i shouldn't be so pessimistic. god will bring my team thru, i know it. :D

i was trying to do a math worksheet just now. i did the first question, then i turned the page and read thru the next one. then i decided to blog. :D cannot stand math AHHH. it's so hardddd. -.-" i dont like math. cannot STAND algebra. haha i rmb last time i couldn't stand it when ppl said algebra coz like someone pronounced it as algeBRA then like it just got stuck in my head. O__O i still cant stand it now, but its for different reasons.

anyway, i should go back to doing homework. been sleeping quite early (compared to usual) so i should start doing work. :D


Posted on: Saturday, July 18, 2009
Posted at: 9:22 AM
Save the World

I walk into the classroom
The noise continues
A turkey before it's killed

I'm just a girl
A blade of grass in the field
A grain of sand on the seabed

People smile with their faces
We don't know where we're going
An endless charade

Battered heart, battered life, battered hope
Our song of despair
Hidden beneath the laughter

Who will save us now?
Who can save the world?
Save us from ourselves

But You pick me up
Put me on my feet again
Here I stand

I love you, You promise me
You walk hand in hand with me
You make me smile

You give me a box
Full of gifts and treasures
Go, share it, You say

I walk out of the classroom
The noise continues
I've only got a lifetime to save the world

Posted on: Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Posted at: 7:39 AM
today i went back to school after being "quarantined" for like a week. a whole stupid week. haha at first i walked into the class, then i stood at the door and stared at it for like a few seconds, trying to figure out why it was so bright and why it looked different. haha maybe someone fixed the lights or smth. i got my exam results back too. D: chinese was haha ok, better than i expected. english was an epic fail (not literally) and geog was -.-" haha

but i kind of realised that it doesn't really matter that much to me now, not as much as before. haha like...last time i kept thinking about being happy coz of the "talents" God's given me, but now it's more like being happy because i dont have talents and it doesn't matter. haha. so im not depressed by exam marks anymore haha. :DD

i love switchfoot omg ahaha. its so niceee. and i've been drawing lots of stuff in my book. it turned out quite ok i think. :D stress is getting to me, and its technically only the second day of school. sigh. history pt, all the overdue homework from last week. IT'S A WHOLE PILE OK. gosh. im just trying to take it one day at a time. stress is synonymous with rgs life. but maybe exciting is too. haha. trying to get thru a day is interesting. i like it. :D

well have to go pack my bag. grr me need a stupid backpackish schoolbag coz the slingbag makes my left shoulder hurt. and its small. :S nvm i'll wait. for some nice backpack to come along and scream at me to buy it. that'd be quite cool.

i hope i can survive training tmr. maybe even train well. i wanna play for nationals.
