Posted on: Sunday, April 26, 2009
Posted at: 2:10 AM
haha finally posted of my own accord. I AM SOO BORREDDD. grrr. and a little pissed off. but i dunno at what. sigh. SAs are coming up. stressed lar. i should be studying now hor. ok i shall study after this post.

sigh. life is so screwed now. im really confused about all the dates of the SAs and stuff. grr. i want to sleep. and eat chocolate. and ice cream. haha. lols. haha it's so fun to talk to jueying and sarah on msn, then they start adding random ppl from bball then slowly one by one all of the start to leave and then it's the three of us again. :D it's super fun lor. then we talk non-stop. in the end cannot mug. haha i talked to jueying until like 2.45 am in the morning yesterday or smth. i can't remember how i logged off. haha. jueying can't rmb too. :D

anyway, YESTERDAY WAS GOT HOPE! "are you hopping? or hopeing?" haha the Ian Poulier guy was so cool lar. its like he looks angmoh but then he talks like a singaporean sometimes. like he uses singlish. and then he has this half american accent. and he's super funny. haha jueying should have come. she would have laughed like xiao. he's cool.

go to!!! it's deliver us, from prince of egypt. omg i love that song. :DDDD it rocks. haha should go study now.


Posted on: Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Posted at: 8:21 AM
yay posting again. coz farah bugged me to. hehe i should be reading my chem textbook now....but nvm i'll read it after this. XD. listening to "the plagues" in prince of egypt IT IS AWESOME!!! hehe it really rocks. hehe. sorry farah dont feel like doing the quiz thing. i'll just write. :D

i feel really high and hyper now. though i should be really tired...oh well. maybe its like bella says. she said that after her super super super hardcore training she feels hyper and energetic. O.O i was like WHY? but she just shrugged.

today's training was kinda ok...except for the lap timings thing. nic wanted us to run like 300m more than a normal track in 1min 50sec? which is killing us. and we only got the same amount of time in between to rest. unfair lar...anyway the gd thing is it'll improve our stamina and then at first we were supposed to 6 rounds. but in the end i think mr ang managed to shui fu nic to let us run 4! yay! hehe.

my parents came bac to singapore today! and adeline jie jie with them. hehe. she brought my mom's dress. she sewed it and designed it herself. haha. now my mom has a only-one-in-the-world dress. so cool hor? the colour is quite nice...i think. hehe. my parents brought some pigeon and goose thing home from hongkong. i tried it just now. quite nice, but i didn't really like the pigeon. its kinda gross thinking abt it. i don't like pigeons. they're big, fat and stupid with clumsy red feet. eeks. the goose was really nice. haha i felt like a barbarian coz my aunt gave me the drumstick part (it's HUGE) so i used my hands to eat it and it was really oily and stuff i was like O.o hehe. but it was NICE.

ok enough or now should go bac to studying. :DD

Posted on: Saturday, April 18, 2009
Posted at: 8:00 AM
hehe haven't blogged for so long. just didn't feel like blogging. too lazy to type out everything. haha. hmm...wad happened the past few weeks? eh...we had some matches (bball) and we won, so we're happy. but nicholas is making us train like xiao now. apparently we have to "build up our fitness level". i need to train harder to perfect my layups and shooting and everything. i must improve. hehe. :DD

today was a busy day. hehe. sounds like the beginning of a p2 compo. today was a bright and sunny day. lols. anyway, had to go for ORA in the morning. i was feeling very hyper. we sold roses and cards! hehe but no one wanted to buy. sarah and i were walking around, taking turns to ask ppl to buy our roses. out of the 2 and a half hours we spent there, we only managed to sell two stupid cards! and no roses! grrr....apparently squek and qiu hui managed to sell like 38 roses altogether. pro lar they. don't know how they manage to do something like that.

sigh. ohoh i think a few weeks ago, i was really deprived, so on a particular sunday, i was alone at home and i started to talk to myself. i would walk around the house, do stuff, and talk to myself at the same time. weird hor. maybe im sleep-deprived. secondary school life is sad. i only get about 5-6 hours of sleep a day? i guess thats quite good alrdy, compared to some other ppl. haha i should be sleeping now.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i just saw something very funny. but i won't tell you. hehe. lols. feeling lame right now. grrr some of the things in this world is so idiotic. so screwed. i cant stand backstabbers. and ppl who gossip.

my parents went to hongkong yesterday. for their own personal holiday. haha. it's like their rest and relax time and when they come home its work and chaos again. no lar my house very peaceful ok. only the people inside it are noisy. :D lols.

ok feeling very lame right now