Posted on: Sunday, March 29, 2009
Posted at: 6:27 AM
hmm....haven't posted in such a long time. piano exam was just a week ago, though it seems like it has been a super long time. T.T i'm pretty sure im going to fail my piano exam though...i think the examiner really didn't like me. oh well. i wasn't crazy abt her either. hehe.

YAY I FINALLY WENT BAC TO URBANKIDZ TODAY! woohoo. but then i felt really disoriented and very blur coz i didn't know what to do and i felt really weird. oh well. i guess the feeling will fade away after a while. haha we were like pushing the name tag boards bac to the room after the service, then jake was pushing behind me and wei yan and then me and wei yan were like "PUSH, JAKE PUSH!" then when he managed to push it in we were like *GASP* "IT'S A BOY!* haha. lols. but i don't think jake got our joke. it was kinda stupid.

i totally crashed after coming bac from church. for like erm 2 and a half hours. i only woke up coz i had homework. stupid stupid homework. and the printer's not working!!!! nooooo. but fan jin was nice enough to help me print out my stuff. yay. watched eragon just now. T.T the book is so much better.

CELL OUTREACH IS NEXT WEEK! AND FAN JIN IS COMING! but we're having a picnic at the plaza outside church. hahahaha. tianna was screaming about it. i don't really mind, as long as there's food. hehehehe. lol. it'll be kinda weird lar i guess. we'll all look like idiots. who has a picnic in a field outside of a church beside a coffeeshop? haha. bio and wei yan and jia yan were very encouraging today, telling me how loser-ish having a picnic outside church as cell outreach is. bio's cell was like noooo when ferdi asked them to join my cell for cell outreach. but they're not doing anything much better. they're playing TENNIS at somebody's house. -.-"

ok shall go bathe now.

Posted on: Sunday, March 15, 2009
Posted at: 6:33 AM
im having a nervous breakdown right now.....TOMORROW IS MY PIANO EXAM!!!! grr.

T.T im super nervous now. there are like 14 more hours till my exam!!! 14....i don't like that number. i think im gonna fail my aural and sight-reading. as usual. im not sure if i'll pass my pieces or scales.....some of my scales are very screwed. two of my pieces are somewhat screwed. arghhhhhhh. stressed. very stressed. *bangs head on keyboard* i seriously hope i pass. i need a very very big miracle to pass. sigh. my dad alrdy registered for the july/august one ok....thats the most encouraging thing i need right now. sigh. sigh. sigh.....ARGHHHHH. this is sad. ok wadeva. im just gonna do my best and chill. at least try to chill. its not the end of the world. NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. i dunno why im freaking out so much. its just a piano exam. just a piano exam. i hope.

ok i think some ant is crawling on my leg. gross. tomorrow is icamp. but im not going coz i have a lot of stuff to do this week. like the whole week im going to be in school. training, CPR wonderful. i thought i could actually sleep in for once. oh well. i want to go for icamp. but nevermind....

i love prince of egypt!!! it rocks. everything in it rocks. the show rocks, the animation rocks, the music rocks!!! i loooooovee the music. it's super nice. the first scene in the show is the best lar. people who haven't watched it yet MUST MUST MUST watch it!!!!!!!!! woohoo. ;D

ok....shall go pack for piano exam and training tmr. T.T *crosses fingers* i need a serious miracle.



Posted on: Friday, March 13, 2009
Posted at: 8:50 AM
yay i slept for 4 hours today this afternoon. ;D crashed immediately after my 2 hr piano lesson. haha. i was super tired coz before that had training. hehe. ARGH MY PIANO EXAM IS THIS MONDAY!!!! nooooooo. mondays are bad days. all the bad things happen on monday. i hope i pass, though thats very very very unlikely. haha aunty serena (my piano teacher) was like "less than 50% pass their grade 8 exam..." that was encouraging. at least now i won't feel so bad when i fail. T.T she was telling me how it would be very difficult to pass especially becoz of my age. she was like going on about how i must act very very confident and sure and poised and philosophical and mature and stuff like that. adultish in other words. i was laughing the whole way thru. it was super funny. she was like "don't give them a reason to despise you" O.O my 3rd piece alone gives them a very gd reason to despise me. that sounds very bad. but anyway. i will practice like xiao.

next week is holidays!!! no school!!! actually, its more like no lessons. haha. i'll be going to school every day. just that on one day it'll be my primary school. im going to bac to rgps on tues to help zhang lao shi with the chinese camp. haha. even suddy, who doesn't speak chinese, is going. i was like "what?! why?!" haha. mon, wed and fri all got training, then thurs got the CPR thing. i think it's thurs....oops. ;D at least there're no chem lessons. hehe.

YAY THERE'S CHURCH TOMORROW!!! woohoo. i need ice cream lar. haha. i don't like the class blog. i can never find it ok. its like one day its some long url, then another day it changes. and now it has changed again and no one told me where the blog is. so i have no idea where it is. GAH. it's very very hard to locate the blog. i wish they would just stop moving it. settle on one url and then leave it lar. haha. lols. i wanted to post, but then apparently they changed the password too. -.-"

learning journey was fun!!!! especially journey of errors. halfway thru mr tan called us, and it was super funny.

yiqing: hello?
*some convo here*
(pass the phone to me)
leanne: hello?
mr tan: (something that i couldn't catch)
leanne: what???
*some convo here*
(pass the phone to fan jin)
fan jin: hello?
mr tan: blah blah
fan jin: what??
*some convo*
(pass the phone to lizzi)
lizzi: hello?
mr tan: blah blah
lizzi: WHAT??

then by that time we were all laughing like xiao coz no one could hear mr tan properly. and lizzi practically shouted "WHAT?" haha. apparently the other groups also laughed really loudly when mr tan was calling then mr tan was like "why does everyone always laugh when i talk?" haha. its not fair. other grps took like 30 min to finish their proj, and we took 2 hrs and all we found were like 7 errors!!! its hard to find errors in city hall area coz everything there is so high class.

ok im done

Posted on: Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Posted at: 5:11 AM
yay i can sleep early today! i feel happy. oh wait...i haven't bathed yet. argh. hehe i forgot until my grandmother asked me "leanne you not bathing yet huh?" in chinese lar of coz. XD

ARGH OH NO I GOT A BOOKING TODAY!!!! by the pb teacher somemore. -.-" so sad. sighs. now i have two bookings. and if i get one more, that means i get dc!! how wonderful hor. oh great. i think i lost my pin again. i dunno why i keep losing them. haha. lol.

OHOH I SAW A RAINBOW ON MONDAY!!!! lol. it was so cool. u know wad rainbows mean? they mean that the flood is over and everything is clean and new. yay! at first i was walking towards the entrance of school then i turned and looked and saw the rainbow then i told isy but she didn't believe me. i was like pointing and going "isy isy look there's a rainbow!!!" then i was laughing like xiao then she said, "aiyah u think i believe u meh?" then i was like "really! u come see lar!" then she was like "i come see then i retard right?" then i was like "ok lor don't believe me" but then she really came to see then she was like "OH RIGHT THERE IS A RAINBOW" . haha. rainbows are cool. very very very cool. XD

ok i shld go sleep early today. and quickly bathe before my parents come home if not they scold me.


Posted on: Sunday, March 1, 2009
Posted at: 6:38 AM
ARGH NO TMR IS MATHS SA!!!! eeks. i thought it was on tues, then just now fan jin asked me if i had finished studying for all the subjects and i said i would study for maths tmr since it was on tues, then fan jin was like "tues? maths sa is tmr!!!" then i was OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. hehe. i was freaking out. but then again, not much to study for maths. i finished the revision paper mdm phua gave us, asked fan jin some stuff, then now im looking thru my worksheets. i feel very stupid right now. suddy was very nice and smsed me to tell me maths sa was tmr. ;DD argh. that means there are 3 SAs tmr. nooooooo. why do they squeeze so many into one day??? at least tmr no lessons. ohohohohoh. AHAHAHAHAHAHA. that means tmr no pe!!!! MUAH HA HA HA. yay im so happy. :D oh wait. im not if pe is on monday or friday. -.-" wadeva.

anyway, service yesterday was awesome. XD. i did ushering yesterday, then pastor jenn asked the youths to pray for other sick youths among them, then me, ollie and this random adult prayed for arie would had blocked nose, then he got healed!!! like he could breathe normally again. yay! ;DD

hmm...wad else. oh ya, went back to rgps on friday. saw my juniors and teachers. haha. so fun. i hope my juniors won their match. they probably did lar. too bad i couldn't go watch their matches. T.T ms poon was really funny. she saw me and then she called me and was like "what is this?" and she pointed at my braces. haha. she was really surprised. zhang lao shi was nice. she saved me and yi qing from the security guard at the school. like hh and hui shyuan and dawn could go in without any teacher, but the security guard said needed a teacher to bring us up, so in the end yi qing called zhang lao shi and she talked to the security guard on the phone and he let us thru!!! hehe. it was funny. lol.

ok end of post now. i hope ur happy, bella.
