Posted on: Friday, February 27, 2009
Posted at: 7:10 AM
yo man wassup dude? haha i still rmb fanjin, evonne, me and somebody else (i'm very very very sorry i forgot who you were) would go say that to the grps around us, each of us taking each word. haha. i always said dude. fanjin made it up. haha. fanjin is funny. ;DD

yay tday was SLI. the thing itself was boring....except for the performances thing. it was cool. anyway, after that went to rgps. so irritating u know. its like we were halfway to rgps, then me and yiqing found out that we were supposed to hand in our chem pt tday, by 1pm, in the lab bench 9, and we hadn't handed it in yet. -.-" we took the bus all the way bac to school ok. then the stupid bus stop gate was closed, so we had to walk one whole round. argh. it was really tiring. and yi qing was really pissed off. she was screaming her head off as we walked out of school. haha. she has anger management issues.


had training tday. argh i felt as if i played very lan tday ok. sigh. nvm. i shall improve. at least i'll try to. XD


muah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

ok anyways, i hav ushering tmr. and cell!!! cell rocks. ushering rocks too. service rocks too. church rocks too. hehe. argh there was english and chinese SA on wed. nooooo. i don't even want to think abt it ok. i think it really sucked and it was really hard, not like the FA. ARGH.

theres history and geog SA on monday, then maths SA on tues. argh. wei yan....needs therapy. and eq skills. and how to talk softly. and how to talk at the right time. and say the right things. hehe.

ok....wad else? erm....i cant rmb. ok nvm


Posted on: Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Posted at: 6:51 AM
yo! ;DD hehe haven't posted in such a loong time. i shall do a very quick post now, since im supposed to be sleeping but i want to finish listening to the song before i off the computer. hehe. anyway bella has been bugging me for like a whole week to blog until in the second week she got sick of it and stopped bugging. hehe. sry bella. i didn't know you actually read my blog. i didn't think anyone read my blog. and THANKS A LOT SHA MEN. she read this blog and didn't even know it was mine. didn't u see the "byezzz leanne" part? i dunno why the zzzz thing is there. it's kinda random. i shld change it. o.O

aw man the music stopped. ok nvm i shall replay it. anyway, i went for the planetshakers concert like last last sunday i think!!! i was SUPER FUN!!! i felt sooo hyper and happy. even though it was a sunday and the next day was monday. but it ended really late, and i got home at like 11 plus. i was super tired. i looove the songs. but i cant find them on youtube. T.T

anyway, that's old news. YES ROCKS!!! haha. pastor andrew yeo rocks too! he's so funny. i was like deafened ok. like on my right side sat a very hyper isabel who screams very very loudly (louder than u can imagine) and then on the left side was estee who happened to also be very hyper on that day and claps when she laughs. and she claps as loud as isy screams. so....u get the idea. but the service that day really rocked. hehe. too bad bella and heng hwee couldn't come. and i don't get why bella doesn't want to come this saturday. becoz she wants to sleep. -.-" at first i thought since i was going to do ushering i wouldn't be able to worship during the worship part, but then apparently my grp only had to do crowd-control so it was like just before the service started so i could worship. yay! hehe. pastor andrew talked about the call from God and how God used him. it was really funny. like in 1994 i think, he was like "1994 is the best yr of my life. do you know why?" then this guy was like "YEAH I KNOW! COZ I WAS BORN!!!" haha i was laughing like xiao. all the youths were really hyper and everything. coz pastor andrew talked about his life story in like yr by yr, so everytime it was the yr they were born ppl would scream. the sec 1s screamed quite loudly i think. haha. coz most of the sec 1s sit on the right side so it was really loud on the right.

anyway, there's the eng and chinese SA tmr. sha men was freaking out abt it just now. i just hope i don't fail and pull down my gpa. sigh. i shld bring jap homework to do....argh i hate packing my bag. ARGH STUPID FLY LANDED ON MY NOSE!!! ew gross lar.

ok....the song is ending i shall end this post too.

byes (see i changed it)
leanne :DD

Posted on: Saturday, February 7, 2009
Posted at: 7:27 AM
YAY TODAY'S SERVICE WAS SOOOOO AWESOME!!! like worship was really great and the sermon was even better. this guy frm america came to preach, he's called chad dedmon. he's really cool... hehe. then the best thing was that at the end of the service, pastor jenn called for healing and stuff. so then i saw like with my own eyes, three people's legs being lengthened(like actually grow longer), and then there was this guy who came to church in crutches and hobbling really slowly, but at the end of the service HIS CRUTCHES WERE WITH HIS FRIEND AND HE WAS WALKING LIKE IT WAS NOBODY'S BUSINESS. so cool!!!!!!!!! GOD IS SO AWESOME!!! HE'S SO COOL I'M SO AMAZED!!!! God's just so amazing. He's such a cool God. XD.

i really wanted to go and do stuff for God after that. The american guy talked about how 10-13 yr olds went about healing ppl like it was nothing, so then i really wanted to do that too. i saw this guy who was hobbling and walking really slowly on the way to the mrt, and i really wanted to pray for him but then i was kinda scared. so i missed my chance. so sad....i should hav helped him. but next time, i'll try my very best to be brave and courageous and just have faith. the american guy said it was okay to fail, even he failed many times before. so i'll just have to try and see. hehe. :DD

bummer of the day: my muscles ache like xiao. i cant even laugh without them hurting. my arm muscles hurt the muscles beneath the shoulder, very painful to flex them. hehe. but nvm, i guess i'll be ok after a few days.

i'm really really amazed and awed by the stuff that God did today. it's just soooo amazing. i cant think of a better word. hehe. i've never seen healing like that before. not up close. i really want to do these things for God too. XD


Posted on: Friday, February 6, 2009
Posted at: 7:12 AM
hihi i haven't blogged in a very long while. this post is going to be a super short post coz there's not much to write. im getting more and more homework everyday but it's still ok, like im not rushing everything out and the work is not very hard to do. hehe. im taking third lang, jap!!! hehe bella and lizzi are jealous coz they want to learn jap too! hehe lizzi pro lar she like bought jap books for herself to do even when she's not learning jap. wah so hardworking.

I'M SO HAPPY!!! hehe coz i got into basketball. which wasn't really wad i expected. so im happy for now. a lot of ppl quit, coz of certain reasons. XD. there was this girl who got hit on the head by a ball (i threw the ball and this girl couldn't catch it so it landed on her) then the girl who got hit quit. uh oh. i feel guilty. XD. ok maybe that's not such a gd emoticon for guilty.

anyway i hav a gum dentist thing tmr. NOOOO. i bet its gonna hurt ok. sigh. i hate dental appointments and these stupid stupid braces. i hav to skip house prac so that i can go for it ok. well at least i can wake up late.... sigh. i keep wanting to sleep nowadays.

i wanna change my blogskin!!! but i cant find any nice ones. so sad. hehe. T.T

i went to church just now for the school of supernatural living thing. haha. pastor derek was so funny. he started talking abt star wars and stuff. so cool. worship was great. even though i was kinda tired.

ok im done