Posted on: Saturday, November 29, 2008
Posted at: 6:35 AM
XD. GOD IS SO AMAZING!!!!!!!!! hehe. i loved YES was so fun! hehe. the previous week i was kinda down, coz of some stuff, but now i feel soooo happy! yay! hehe. its so sad none of my friends could would hav been great if heng hwee or yuan ru or gladys could come...yuan ru's in australia, heng hwee's mom didn't allow and gladys didn't reply my sms.

during YES, we watched this video abt a sermon given by this famous guy called louis giglio i think, and it was really wow. he was talking abt how big God is, and how small man is. he showed us pics of galaxies and the milky way and earth and everything. it was really wonderful. hehe. cant believe i used that word. we saw some stars galaxies, and it was really really beautiful. the colours and the swirls and everything. i was like wow. its amazing that God actually created something so amazing! XD. then we saw the sun and everything in relative size to the milky way, and guess wad? we couldn't even see them coz the milky way was so huge. louis giglio said that the size of the sun and the planets and everything is like a coin, compared to the milky way which was like the size of the north american continent. wow. we are really small. anyway, it was really amazing to see God's creations and how the heavens and the stars and everything all shout His praise all the time. its so sad that singapore has so many lights. the sky at night is like dark blue and u cant see any stars. i'd rather see the stars of God than the lights of singapore....sigh. nvm. next time i go overseas i will look my fill. hehe.

anyway, PSLE collection of results was strangely tame. it was like ok, ms tan talk for a while, collect ur results and leave...which is good, in its own way. cant believe wont be seeing jaclyn next yr. byebye! T.T poor jaclyn, one less person to bully. in case u were wondering who her victim is/was, it is/was none other than urs truly.

anyway, going to sleep soon. hav to pass weilin her icamp shirt later cozits still at my house. hehe. that means hav to go to church at 8.30...sigh.


Posted on: Monday, November 24, 2008
Posted at: 6:35 AM
i love steamboat!!! it's so fun to cook the food, especially the beef and pork. u just dip it a few times in the soup and then its cooks. so fun!!!! hehe. XD. steamboat is now my fav food....other than ice cream and chocolate. hehe.

anyway, juz now i was talking to olivia and then her dp was this photo of her and some other girl when they were young, then my father came by and he saw her dp. i was like "oh im talking to my cell leader" then he was like pointing to the dp and going "oh is that her daughter???" hahahahahahahaha. olivia was very flustered by that. i wonder why? *winkwink* hehe. she was like BUT IM NOT EVEN LEGAL! hehe. so fun to fluster olivia. then she thought i was isy. that was not as fun.... -.-"

oh ya....i wanted to blog abt this for a long time but i keep forgetting to. i think last week, my dad brought me, my bro, my mom and wei yan and jia yan to this military band concert. it was okok larhx some songs were nice but some made me want to fall asleep. i didn't though. wei yan and gavan did. hehe. anyway, there was this couple sitting in front of me and wei yan, then we were very bored so we started watching them, and they were like swaying to the music and bobbing their heads and stuff, then the guy was like bobbing sideways, then the girl was bobbing up and down and it was so funny! hehe. they were so enthu then me and wei yan were trying to keep quiet and not laugh loudly. it was fun. then there was this song, from west side story, then we were listening, trying to figure out the song was from where, then suddenly she burst out "BARBIE AND THE NUTCRACKER!" hehe. then i just stared at her.

ok dun feel like blogging liao. ciao

Posted on: Sunday, November 2, 2008
Posted at: 2:40 AM
sigh...i haven't blogged for so long...every time i think of blogging i start to open up blogger then i dun feel like blogging. i rock. service yesterday was really fun!!! i loooved it so much. then i stayed at weilin's house and we slept really late. and guess who got A LOT of new songs? yours truly. XD.

ohohoh, i juz rmb. friday was the BIG DAY. in bold and caps. we were supposed to present our skit and "little lecture" and quiz. it was super fun!!! we had to do it twice, the first time really sucked, but the second time was pretty gd. the first time we didn't have enough time to set up and stuff, and we wasted 30 whole minutes getting a laptop for our presentation coz we didn't know the other team also needed the laptop so we thought the laptop ms lui was holding was for us. ugh. anyway. we had to rush thru everything and it was kinda messy. but the second time we were really kiasu, we prepared everything right after the first session ppl left, and once everyone arrived we could start. yay. it was really fun. hehe.

P1s are so cuuuute! hehe. today went for sunday service. then weilin wanted to go for 8.30 at first, but we were kinda late and i decided i wanted to go to hawker centre for ice milo(!!!!). anyways, weilin decided she also didn't want to go for 8.30 service, and we dai at the hawker centre from 8 to 9.30. we had our books so it wasn't so bad. then after that went to 10.30 service. tianna also went for 10.30 service, with the excuse that it was less rush but im sure she had another motive. isy would know. hehe. we were doing attendance, and wei yan and jia yan and tiana were really bored and started tearing out redundant pieces of stickers that were supposed to go onto the kids backs, and started to draw and stuff and stuck them on me. thanks. then later at service we went in and they started drawing on me!!! eeks. they wrote my name on my leg and now its still there. thank you jia yan. XD. hehe.

ok...cant rmb anything else to blog abt.
