Posted on: Thursday, September 4, 2008
Posted at: 9:10 AM
whee it's like erm 12.10am already. woah. i rock. though im sure to some ppl it just seems like nothing. i bet lots of ppl, like jaclyn are like watching tv or smth. but here it's quite dark already, and the units opposite all have their lights off.

just found a new song. it's really nice. courtesy of wei yan. it's called "home" by chris daughtry. he's a really gd singer, and he sings abt things that ppl dun usually sing abt. u know, like now everyone sings about loooove and looove and everything. like breakups, new-found love and whatnots, but chris has songs like erm "what about now" and "home" which are really nice songs.

I'm staring out into the night
Trying to hide the pain
I'm going to the place where love
And feeling good don't ever cost a thing
And the pain you feel's a different kind of pain

I'm going home
To the place where I belong
And where your love has always been enough for me
I'm not running from
No I think you've got me all wrong
I don't regret this life I chose for me
But these places and these faces are getting old
So I'm going home
Well I'm going home

well that's part of the song. there's still some verses and chorus and stuff. but these two parts are my favourite. it reminds me of dying and going to heaven. i think i understand what it means to say better in one day in Your courts than a thousand elsewhere. i would rather spend one day in heaven than a thousand in earth. then there would be no pain, no fear, so sadness. i always thought living one day would be filled with fear and dread of dying the next day but i think in heaven there wouldn't be fear. so it would be okay. and God's love has always been enough for me, even if sometimes it didn't seem that way.

yesterday i watched this show where they do-over ur house, which is at first very messy and dirty, then it showed this couple and their kids. this couple's room is seriously messy which really needs a really good maid to clean it up big time but anyway, the husband apparently goes overseas a lot so all his clothes are in luggages and the cupboards are all full of the wife's clothes. and the wife i think doesn't really do housekeeping, and the husband isn't exactly happy, but he bears with the unhappiness and then when she realised she was wrong not to do housekeeping, she was really sorry and the husband just forgave her liddat. he was like i just hope she'll do better, and its just really amazing how much he loved her. when i was watching i was like wow and then it was like the woman was the kind who doesn't really listen to the husband kind, so if it were me i dun think i could have forgave someone that easily. of coz it could have been that they were on tv so they had to "act nice" but still. i can't believe God's love is so much greater than that.

went to play basketball today. it rained halfway so went to the void deck and watched gavan and co. rollerblade. then we started playing with the ball, like using it to roll a can over. it was actually kinda fun, no matter how stupid it sounds. but its fun. then it was raining really heavy, and u could see all the water flowing, and the ball was going to roll outside. so i dashed after it and tried to catch it, when i realised it had stopped, it did not go outside, but instead I went outside. so i got all wet and stuff and i stepped into the place where all the water was flowing and the water splashed and my leg got all wet with brown water!!!!!!!!!! but it was fun. and amusing. so then i took off my basketball shoes and wore gavan's slippers coz my shoes were wet. yay. haha. i miss basketball training. oh well.

okay really long post but im bored. hehe. oh took half an hour to blog. cool. hehe.


Posted on: Monday, September 1, 2008
Posted at: 4:56 AM
life has never been so great. wow....i've just realised how long i haven't been since a few months before prelims...which is quite a long time for someone like me. whee. i was studying, no matter how much hh staunchly believes that i am a slacker like her. i actually do care about my results, unlike some ppl. hehe. XD. ouch my fingers are so cold and numb its hard to type. ok maybe not so numb. but still. they hurt.

i think i can qualify for living alone on a shipwrecked island. i spent like almost the whole day at home without anyone, without music (ok not much music) and the computer. seriously. like the silence was ringing in my ears. oh well. i watched tv, did revision like the hardworking student that i am. haha. today was dedicated to chinese. i do not like the comprehension. it is very very very irritating. hehe. if i were shipwrecked on an island, i would probably want my mp3, probably one thats solar powered, erm my bible, and maybe some radio thingy so that i can call the police when i get bored and i want to go home. yay. these things probably wouldn't be able to keep me alive for long, maybe i'll get a boat too. hmmm....

ok....erm update, i got a comfirmed offer for nanyang and rgs, those were kinda unexpected. i was think more of like waiting list or smth or one comfirmed leaning towards going to rgs, coz i've always wanted to go there since i got into gep and stuff. the cool thing is that if i go to nanyang, it'll be like carrying on the family tradition coz both my mom and my aunt went to nanyang, and if i go to nanyang i'll end up in hwa chong, which is where my parents also went, and that's where they met. i think. cool. but still....oh well. i have until like a few months to think. yay.

oh and the urbankidz band has been like erm disbanded? im not sure if thats the right i'll just be helping out in 10.30 p1. so cute! haha. i love those p1s. so fun to talk to them. though usually they ignore i shall be nice and be nice to them. hehe.

i cant wait for sat!!!! it'll be like YOUTH SERVICE. though there's no cell. that's really sad. a moment of silence....
ok anyway, last week there was no youth service. it was a special family service where u sit as a family for one service and listen to this guy talk. i mean its really hard to understand wad he was saying....i had to listen really hard. maybe it's just me, coz my parents could hear and understand the words he was saying perfectly. maybe it was the medicine taking effect. after that went for lunch and went home i immediately crashed and slept for like three hours i think. haha. i rock.

life has never been so great.
