Posted on: Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Posted at: 8:08 AM
heyyyyyyy.....haiz. really bored now....i know i shld go and sleep but im too lazy to off the com and make my bed and stuff like tt. anyways i dun feel like sleeping.....:( today i was practically falling asleep during morning assembly during the announcements, and i was like leaning on one knee as everyone in my class always see me do, then my fringe was covering my face so no one could see me sleeping, and i slept, until mdm choong told us to stand. ^.^ hehe today also have dan yuan ce yan, and then i finished it in like 15 min, when we had about 30 to 40 minutes, so i slept also, until zhang lao shi's voice asked if we had finished. her voice is like amplified or smth. dunno if its got something to do with the china thing. the other teachers' voices not so hong liang. cool....

i cant wait for this saturday!!!! it's YES 5!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! at first i thought they only had the yes service once a year, but i guess not. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! lols. im so excite larhx. hehe. cant wait till this saturday, then wont have to sleep early, wont have to wake up early, wont have to go to school and wad nots. saturday is my favourite day of the week. i can just picture myself saying that in a very cute way and nodding my head, and stuff. heng hwee shld know. haha.

today i was borrowing ppl's belts coz mine kept falling off, and i was awestruck at how loose their belts was compared to mine.....lousy belt. its velcro sucks like wadeva, and ya....haha it was really amusing how i was like squealing over the very very very cool and fun fact that i could pull down the belt and take it off from my feet. it's so fun! yes, heng hwee, i know i hav a weird obsession....hehe. and then i tried the alian bimbo look like gladys, and then it didn't really work.....leanne the alian. haha. racheal is the alian. not me. hehe.

ok...shld go sleep now.

Posted on: Friday, July 18, 2008
Posted at: 5:29 AM
so long haven't blog already......i went for my rgs interview a few weeks ago and it was kinda ok....not as scary as i had expected, and muah ha ha they didn't ask anything about the raffles programme which i did a very bad kind of research on....i was so happy. hehe. now heng hwee is declaring over the phone to me that i am weird.....not without reason. and heng hwee, if ur reading this, i tell u ah, i am not weird. i am only weird to u becoz u urself are weird. now i shall stop being mean and juz ignore u. ignore. ignore.

tmr going for my nanyang GAT test. so irritating. why cant they like just take our results like rgs and stuff....eek i dun wanna go for some GAT test.....hav to miss cell......noooooooooo. hehe. but still can go for service....apparently isy's mom has to gimme a ride to church. hehe. im a lift takeeer....hehe. feeling hyper....i dunno. maybe its the sesame bao, which was super nice. heng hwee just told me about a word bozo. bozo. bozo. bozo. apparently it means something bad....u know in madagascar, and then the squirrel looking thing calls the gloria and the lion and stuff insulting. XD

sry this post is kinda hyper. hehe. XD. cant help it...its FRIDAY! and tmr is SATURDAY! haha. now this is like a popular phrase for me now. hehe. i cant wait for tmr and can go for SERVICE. XD.



Posted on: Thursday, July 3, 2008
Posted at: 8:59 AM
ok it's late and im doing FPSP with suddy...and chatting with hh at the same time. wonderful. how tired....but i cant sleep. i have to give suddy moral support!!! not like im actually doing anything. i did the action plan, which seemed surprisingly the words just flowed out, unlike other action plans, which i seemed to get really stuck action plans weren't really very gd....

YAY. IT'S FRIDAY! finally....this week has been so long, and tiring and stressful, and worrying and full of unfun stuff which i shan't say...TMR'S SATURDAY!!!! im so glad i can go to church....heng hwee is coming also....which is gd! tmr's gonna be the best day of this week!!!!
being hyper....
can't really help it im so bored.....
