Posted on: Monday, June 23, 2008
Posted at: 7:03 AM
ok doing the stupid quiz isy made me do....

1. how long will you wait for someone you love?
i dunno....i love God, so i guess i would wait forever for him, but i guess he wouldn't make me wait that long...

2. what do you want to do now?
erm....go church? hehe. maybe sleep or play basketball....but most of all i guess would be church. how great it would be if i could go to church everyday...XD

3. what will you be doing at 6pm?
erm....eating i guess? lazing around...using the com

4. do you hate your friends sometimes?
i guess so....when im kinda moody and depressed and the whole world seems to be sinking in mud....which is a pretty bad description....but ya i guess everyone's like tt

5. where do you wish to die?
i guess it doesn't really matter where i die....its only where i go after i die that matter doesn't it?

6. do you believe in seeing a rainbow after rain?
i guess i kinda do? like isn't it science or smth? but figuratively i guess so, coz life cant always be in dumps with Jesus around. XD

7. what are the impossible things you wish to do?
fly...go bac in time

8. is there some things you wished never happened? what is it?
of coz there's lots of stuff i wished never happened.....lots of losing stuff....but i guess without them i wouldn't be who i was today

9. are you happy with your life now?
i guess so....i mean im not right where i wanna be yet....but im close enough

10. what if your crush asked you out?

11. what will you do when you feel bored?
i dunno....get choc, blog, listen to music, sleep, talk to say he's a banana and see his reaction XD or play narnia with him. hehe

12. what feelings do you hate the most?
hopelessness, like i cant do anything...

13. skipping this one....

14. what is your biggest dream?
living for God <333

15. how will you feel if your parents love your siblings more?
i guess that would never happen, even if it felt like it, coz i know they will always love me, but even if they dun i still have God

hehe i juz realised there are 15 questions...hehe my number! XD


Posted on: Thursday, June 12, 2008
Posted at: 3:21 AM
juz now went downstairs and played with the water gun that i had found lying around....haha before that i filled it to the brim with water, and then i used it to spray my mom XD. so fun! she was like screaming "leanne don't! later i have to fetch your father!" haha. then finally she tried to hide in the toilet...then i sprayed gavan and elliot....hehe. crazy. hehe tried to lure wei yan and jia yan out....but jia yan was bathing, then wei yan made the excuse that no one was watching the house....o_O. haha. so fun. sprayed gugu also......then i pushed gavan into the pool....hehe so crazy. oh well, that's why its so fun isn't it?

yesterday was FUN. hehe we did this really stupid video with the isy put it in a pot of water, then later when we went to check it it was like all puffed up. hehe. so funny.

I LOVE HILLSONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think they are so cool.....and i love their songs...maybe not all but most of them. i think i'll have to edit my top ten fav songs....hehe. i bet at the top of the list will be here in my hillsong. the song ROCKS. hehe. XD. darlene is so.....i dunno how to say it. in a nutshell THEY ARE THE BEST! hehe. can't wait for church this saturday....supposed to go to church tonight for the family circles thing...but sadly i think my parents decided not to go coz they were tired. oh well. if i were tired i would still go to church coz church is fun and it is energising and rejuvinating....then when you come home u sleep better coz all the adreline's run out and u need ur beauty sleep. hehe.


Posted on: Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Posted at: 7:22 AM
hehe today i went isy's house after junior's training....hehe so fun. when i asked my mom she was like "but won't u stink after training?" then i was like erm no....hehe. like after training isy's mom came to pick us up, then she dropped us off twice to buy chicken pie...then there was only one left when she wanted us to buy i was like we can stop at every petrol kiosk on the way and see if they have.

i got my homework from sabby and isy.....and sabby had this long detailed list of wad i had to do....i was like horrified at the sight of that whole STACK of i did a bit at isy's house.....

ok dun feel like blogging.....


Posted on: Monday, June 2, 2008
Posted at: 8:15 AM
found a new song....i LOVE THIS SONG. it is an AMAZING song. of coz that's wad i always say...but this time it's real. its real everytime coz everytime i mean it. ok nvm...this song is AWESOME! its called Lead me to the Cross by hillsongs as usual. i think brooke fraser, the composer of Hosanna, wrote it, im not sure, but im sure she sang it. its AN AWESOME SONG!!! hehe.

my list of top 10 fav songs:
1)lead me to the cross
2)here in your presence
3)from the inside out
4)through it all
6)mighty to save
7)everlasting God
8)how can i keep from singing
10)jehovah jireh

hehe the last addition was really recent...everytime i sing the song i start smiling coz i love the lyrics...and the music is nice also...though its mostly the lyrics that i love it.

going to church tmr to help out at the songames....yay gd thing im not going with the group and so i dun have to run around with them and do games...i think i'll juz end up making a fool of myself. and i dun feel like running around doing games. so im juz gonna be a gd girl and help gu gu with her craft and stuff.....hehe. so lazy of me.
