Posted on: Monday, April 28, 2008
Posted at: 7:59 AM
yayyy!!!! haha. super hyper tonight....i dunno why. i was really tired just now....maybe it's the music!!! yupp....definitely the music. or maybe im just a night person....which is kinda possible coz i hate waking up early in the mornings. now that explains a lot.....haha. lols.

been sleeping really late nowadays....i dunno why. there's just so much to do and there's so little time to do i want to do so many things!!! i guess i need to reorder my life...priorities and stuff like tt. exams...i cant believe they're really coming next week...well...have to study i guess. i shld abstain from using the computer.

the songs i've been listening to recently are just awesome....hillsong ROCKS!!! so do planet shakers....but hillsong has more songs. too bad i cant go to their concert...i'll be in US!!! lols. and then i'll be missing cell outreach. sobbbbs. haha.

i'm still waiting for my "dream" least i think i am. im not sure if i got it yet....that's always the always not sure of whether this is really it or not. well....not to worry i guess i still have six days left to go!!! im waiting.....but i know for sure i'll get it by next saturday...haha. i can't wait. life is just so wonderful now....there's like sooo many things happening....some gd and some not so gd but all are just....i dunno how to describe it. it's like life is better than before....yay! haha. i just keep thinking of those ppl who dunno Jesus...and it just seems sad. i wanna do something about it....its wad im supposed to do...isn't it?


Posted on:
Posted at: 6:59 AM
i found an amazing song today....and with the best lyrics...

Everyone needs compassion
A love that's never failing
Let mercy fall on me
Everyone needs forgiveness
A kindness of a Savior
The hope of nations
My Savior He can move the mountains
My God is Mighty to save
He is Mighty to save
Forever Author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave
So take me as You find me
All my fears and failures
Fill my life again I give my life to follow
Everything i believe in
Now i surrender
Shine your light and let the whole world see

We're singing for the glory of the risen King...Jesus

i think these lyrics are just so meaningful....and inspiring. its so encouraging.....knowing that Jesus can do everything....and he doesn't care about the bad things that i did....and he can provide for me love and just means a lot. all those ppl who are feeling kinda depressed and stuff....dun be anymore coz Jesus is here to save!


Posted on: Sunday, April 27, 2008
Posted at: 6:58 AM
there are lots of songs playing in my head nowadays....all my favourite songs coz they mean so much....I'm carried in everlasting arms, u'll never let me go, through it all...its so nice! <3

last fri went to j8 and celebrate sabby's bday!!! haha. too bad hui wen and isy couldn't go for the movie...haha apparently they were sneaking around the level where the theatre was....for some weird reason. haha. the movie was in CHINESE!!!! haha. it was about some gangster...oh well. there was kfc!!! then after that yuan ru and jade dragged me along to jurong east with them then after that i had to take the train back again.........riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

ok lets see..wad else is there to talk about...erm....ok today at church there was the tabernacle thingy...haha to create an effect they burned some aroma thing. cranberries!!! it smelled really berries and stuff. i like the golden there is this gold lampstand with really nice decorations on it...of flowers and stuff. and its made of pure gold, and filled with pure olive oil to keep the fire nice. then the high priest apparently has to constantly trim and keep the fire burning...haha today there were some ppl going around blowing out the candles and the teacher there got really annoyed. lols.

exams coming soon......i hope i do well.... :D


Posted on: Friday, April 18, 2008
Posted at: 7:16 AM
ok heng hwee forced me to do this....sungei buloh trip was wasn't as bad as i imagined it to least i had some ppl to talk to. haha. the dfunniest thing was that the guide there....he has serious short term memory and....haha. ALL THE PLANTS AND ANIMALS HE SHOWS US HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH FOOD. haha.....he was even like...."you know u can actually eat the mudskipper? u leave it in tamarind water and let it soak to take away the mud smell then u fry it." diao. and he was like..."you mix this plant with chilli, garlic, onion...blah blah blah...and chilli...and erm erm erm." haha. HAHA. diao....seriously. u can ask yan tong. everything he talks about is food!!!!!! haha.

ok i am officially done heng hwee stop bugging me about the sungei buloh trip liao. and if u want a more detailed version of the trip go to heng hwee's blog yay!


Posted on:
Posted at: 4:50 AM
today was water sports day....haha i spent the whole time playing with fan jin's handphone game. SO FUN!!!! anyway....the nicest thing was that i played and played till i finished her battery, so she had to use my phone to message her mum...and then goh yan tong used it to call HER mum. yay! haha im so charitable. diao. anyway gen was really gd today she got first for i think the backstroke and the freestyle. we spent like 3 whole hours there just watching them swim....which was just....kinda boring. but after that me, sabby, yuan ru and jade stayed back for a while to play basketball...and haha...yuan ru and i were one team and sabby and jade another team, and then me and yuan ru couldn't run because our shoes were too slippery...haha. so were like sliding here and there and sabby only had to walk briskly to keep up with me. haha. it was impossible to run ok....i had to pause before changing direction becoz the shoes were so SLIPPERY. pffft. haha.

anyway....haha. today fanny, yan tong and evonne made up a new word. crap and crappy. usually this would mean lousy and stuff, but to them it was like "having artistic talent!" so it was like they kept saying to me "wah leanne you're so crappy! I LOVE YOUR CRAPPY DRAWING!" haha. then they even asked mrs sng if the word crap was forbidden, and mrs sng was like...."hmm maybe it might be. but it's not." then she asked why, then fanny was just more than happy to explain. and then mrs sng gave us that "lame" look. i never knew teachers were capable of the "lame" look. lols. =p.

anyway tmr going to the scgs carnival with isy....haha shi ta bi wo de. she didn't want to go alone with ren hui so she was like "leanne you must go!" wad choice did i have? haha. and tomorrow is SATURDAY!!!!! finally.....this week was like suuuuuuper long....well almost every week has been super long. but never mind saturday has finally come!!!!!! getting hyper. guess i shld go do homework now.....


Posted on: Monday, April 14, 2008
Posted at: 5:34 AM
changkat match was sad hor..we lost by dunno how many points. can u believe it? in the first quarter we were actually leading by like 10 points lorhx!!! then they started catching up and ya we were slipping. and then they changed their defence so we weren't prepared. at least i wasn't messy today. but i was really tired....and guess wad? i was so nervous and excite i forgot to eat my lunch...yay! so i was really really really scared i would start getting gastrics or something. but in the end i didn't....though i was really really tired. we actually could have won if we had tried harder in the second quarter. but nvm. no use crying over spilt milk....there's still plenty of other chances. after the match i was in the car, and i saw something really cool. it was like raining heavily, but then suddenly i realised the sun was still in the sky, and it wasn't hidden behind the clouds. it was shining quite brightly amidst the pouring cool! it was like saying God was there no matter how the game turned out. all in all i think it was it doesn't matter even if we didn't win. haha.


Posted on: Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Posted at: 6:44 AM
sighs....the whole team is falling down. like london bridge. diao. nvm. now becoz we lost to peichun we have to win changkat and choa chu kang. choa chu kang should be able to win...but on monday...CHANGKAT? how to win? how to get into semi finals??? such a disappointment. sighs. too bad for us larhx.
life's not over
still got many years to come


Posted on:
Posted at: 6:43 AM
peichun vs raffles.