Posted on: Saturday, March 29, 2008
Posted at: 7:21 AM
TODAY'S SERVICE WAS SOOOOOO AWESOME! i wish i could go through it all was soooooo sooooo amazing larhx. the SOZO team came and after worship they started praying and doing the "fire tunnel", where all the leaders will form like this bridge and all the other ppl will walk through....with the leaders praying for the ppl. it was soooo amazing. and a bit scary at a lot of ppl were falling down and crying and there was this guy.....nvm. it was just sooooo amazing. im soooo happy that yuan ru came...and tt i also came. those SOZO ppl were sooooooooo amazing. like i was sooooo happy and then in the end...the worship team also played a few songs.....and it was like EVERYONE was jumping and singing and dancing and laughing. even me. even wei yan and jia yan and estee and weiling jiejie. it was AMAZING. and the nicest part was that almost everyone was running around the audi coz it was like the song lyrics. "i am free to run" is part of ya...everyone started running. including me. haha. it was fun. and the leaders kept on saying......keep running! keep running! and stuff like tt. and we were all praising God. soooooooooo AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i was jumping and doing all sorts of things that now i cant really remember......and it was WONDERFUL. it was like SO FREEEEEEEEE!!!!
SO HAPPY. im so thankful. at first i was scared of wad was gonna i felt like shaking but after tt there was only happy feeling. yay!


Posted on: Friday, March 28, 2008
Posted at: 5:39 AM
today had match with bedok first i thought we would lose was like the first quarter they were leading at first...but then we caught the end of the quarter....cant remember the score. i dun like bedok green....they are very mean....I DUN LIKE THEM AT ALL. they are like soooooo mean.....when isabel fell or smth, they started laughing and like mean!!! wad kind of ppl are they? seriously...they are sooooo rude. like there was like i was trying to get the ball, and jade was starting the ball, then i rubbed against this girl from bedok green, and then she was like "oh eww. dun want to touch u. u are so disgusting." and then she started shuddering. lols. tt was like soooooo stupid can it get? basketball is about like....getting the ball and stuff like can someone avoid touching another player? tt's like soooooo dumb. they are very mean. i dun like them even more than those holy innocent ppl. i liked the holy innocent ppl actually....they're nice. but bedok green are NOT NICE. NOT NICE AT ALL. haha. that was childish. but wadeva....i was soooo angry at them. i was like fuming and angry. nvm. but we won in the end. i think it was 29 to 53....haha. next wed got match with ho say will be something like bedok green. i hope not. but at least i can miss music and i dun have to find some stupid song. haha. long story. thanks to jaclyn and sabrina.


Posted on: Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Posted at: 7:50 AM
yay....finally got around to changing my blog url......the previous one was very....long. now it short and sweet....diao. anyway its nicer...and ya....pls relink to THIS blog. sighs. next fri im very unlucky. its like in the morning i have piano exam and then in the afternoon got match with bedok green i think. its either bedok green or sengkang....played with sengkang before....won them by 16 points i think. not much...but ya. apparently bedok green won sengkang by 1 point. haha. so jing cai. mr ang very important to win both schools.....then can get into better grouping i think for the quarter finals. i keep getting idiotically mixed up about the semis and quarters. never mind.....only this year did i realise how little school there are in the nationals....there's like only sixteen i think. last time i used to think there were a lot....i thought the whole tournament took very long when i think it was actually quite short. haha. sighs. i wish tournament won't end. after tournament i dun think got any more training......that means....very boring...wait. unless can join juniors...oh ya...i think maybe i shall join their training. haha.


Posted on: Saturday, March 22, 2008
Posted at: 9:03 AM
went to church just now, then went to a-ma's ok...that sounds kinda weird...maybe shen ri yan hui sounds better...haha. it was quite...ok....haha. not other word to describe it...weilin jiejie and jeremy coco fell asleep...haha. i was trying to get to the next level in the game in weilin jiejie's had a REALLY weird name....forgotten warriors....that's seriously weird. bt it was fun. but i got killed a lot of times. A LOT. who cares? after tt i played football!!!! i cant believe i actually did...coz usually i dun really like football...but this game was super fun. it was like a lotof freekicks and its like whether u can get it or not...erm.

church today was super fun....and during worship it was really nice. it was different somehow i think...i dunno how to describe. its like so happy...and its so free. i dunno. that may somehow sound corny or something....but its true. it seemed so fast...too bad i couldn't stay for the rest. but i think i heard already what the singapino guy was going to say. not sure....he's from philippines but spends a lot of time in singapore. so singapore + philippino = singapino....right. haha. i can't wait till next week saturday!!!!!!!!!!!! yuan ru's also coming....or maybe i should say keilyn. ok never mind...another long story. nxt week is healing service. yay! i can't's not way to imagine it unless you've actually gone before....haha. going again tmr for urban kidz...haha. must rmb to bring the blessing pamphlet...i forgot four weeks in a row already...argh. haha. church just makes me feel so happy...yay. haha.


Posted on: Thursday, March 20, 2008
Posted at: 8:36 AM
icamp......sobs. haha. but seriously miss icamp....i want to go back!!!!!!!!!!! it was like soooooo fun lorhx.....and i miss the ppl trudy and grace and ya the works.....argh. haha....isy gave me the url for the icamp funny! isy is convinced that she looks retarded....though i think she looks the same as usual.....and unless....never mind. davin looks really maniac....his hair is like medusa's snake-like things. haha. so scary. he says he's going to cut his hair....scary....wonder how it'll look like. i'll really miss icamp...loved the powernights...i wish there would be like icamp2 or something like tt. haha. i remember on the last day mei yin was like suggesting some kind of icamp2 or something...if there is icamp2 i would sure go lorhx....i wouldn't miss it for the world. i wish i can go icamp again....treasure it more. the days went by wuite slowly i guess so that's something good....SO FUN! haha. this sat celebrating a-ma's bday, so can only go for worship during service...aiyah. never least it amounts to first my parents say dun go becoz no cell...i dunno why....but then later they finally relented. yay! i wanna go to its like soooo fun. i cant believe that i didn't go the last time.....coz tat time was baptism service, so it was like the sonic edge band came to play AND I DIDN'T COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how could i not have come??? aiyah.....nvm larhx....still got next time. as long as isy stops rubbing it in i'll be fine. haha


Posted on: Friday, March 14, 2008
Posted at: 8:45 AM
icamp rox!!!! i loved was soooo fun! it was like so fnny lorhx....pastor john and davin were like soooo funny....haha. and then it was soooo....i dunno how to describe sia....there was like so happy. made friends also....with trudy, sin ee, jacqueline, grace, mei yin...and so on....haha. kenneth had to dress like mas selamat and then jacqueline wrapped his face up in toilet paper so he looked like a mummy!!! haha. soooo funny sia. and then the finale was the best lor...and God answered my prayer...ok not really a prayer...but kind of a wish larhx. wow. soooo nice....wy and jy should have gone larhx...i skipped training for it....but it was worth it larhx. i miss icamp....haha. the games were sooo gross-ly fun...haha.


Posted on: Monday, March 10, 2008
Posted at: 7:43 AM
yay...tmr going for icamp...wonder what it'll be like......scary. haha. lols. sometimes when i think of it, it does seem kinda everyone there will be like sooo much older than me. like sec 4 or smth....that's kinda scary. at least isabel and yan fei and tiana and weilin jie jie are going....i won't be alone! haha. lols...too bad wei yan and jia yan not going...estee also....they got netball carnival. my bag is like bulging!!!! haha. i think i'm gonna go sit on it or smth. that's what i did last pathetically. haha. should ask my father to sit on it...since he's the biggest in our family....haha. but it works ok...lols. it really does. i just hope it will be fun and......i dunno. nice.

today's training was sooooo fun....we kept on playing games....though i think mr ang was seriously trying to kill us. he made us do courtrun and then do the pushups and stuff like tt. ew. i hate those stuff....but then i shouldn't least training is fun now. and mr ho doesn't have to get soooo stressed out. haha. our first match is on wed...first wed of term 2...with pei hwa. haha. we're playing all the "peis"...first was pei tong...them pei chun....then pei hwa. sabby had some weird joke about that. so sad won't be going for wednesday training....sighs. nvm...still got a lot more trainings to go. my nose bled thanks to our dear FOO YUAN RU...thanks alot. i was getting rebound and then she was also getting so my nose knocked her head which apparently is very hard as well as the ball. ouch. haha.


Posted on: Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Posted at: 9:55 PM
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!! i didn't believe it and i still can't believe it....WE WON PEI CHUN!!!! oh my gosh.....i think by about 9 points.....i'm soooooo happy.....haha. leah was so happy and tired till her face became so red and she was like grinning hugely....haha. janice hugged me....erm. haha. i nver expected we would actually manage to win peichun!!!! it was like totally impossible and crazy even to think about it. zoner champion! haha. so happy. yuan ru was like sooo happy and jumping about....but i felt kinda sorry for peichun...they only lost chengkat. then now they lost again....and only in the zoners. amanda looked really dejected....i dun expect to win them again next time ho said that it was partly luck we won. but never mind...we still won!!! so happy. haha.

yuan ru was so impatient to get her trophy today...haha. she deserves it i guess....isabel and sabby and leah and jade and yuan ru played very very very well. leah's face was all red afterwards....haha. our star players!!!! haha. after the prize presentation played match with referees....kinda weird...didn't do anything coz there were like so many ppl and i was kinda redundant. haha. those referee ppl so tall lols...and then the other one kept on falling down....haha


Posted on: Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Posted at: 4:46 AM
yay...change my blogskin liao...feeling kinda bored right now....tze en was nagging at me to remember to bring my file tomorrow or else the group points minus 200!!! mrs sng is sooo smart....if our group minus then sure lose liao....and then tze en would kill me. byebye. *waves and says her last words* haha. lols. anyway...still have one more packet of blessing pamphlets to do....argh. i can't believe last week i forgot to bring....*pulls out own hair*

i like this blogskin (duh)....though its kind of orangey....never mind...the layout makes up for the rest. conspicious maybe....who cares? haha. i finally got twilight from sabrina....its always borrowed from every library i go to....its soooo nice....but sometimes kinda freaky. crystal was like groaning away when she saw i was reading it...she read in 2 hours!!! how is that possibly possible!?!?!?! haha. tze en read it in three days. muah ha ha.

today juniors had a match with gan eng seng....last year we beat the seniors....muah ha ha. but juniors 6 points!!! argh. they should have won. never mind...they can make up for it in the 2....yay! today i was like screaming like mad....i think my throat feels kinda sore. haha. so close....they tied so go extra five minutes...then tie again so got extra five more minutes...then those ppl watching see already like blur diao...haha. so funny. too bad they lost. tmr got match with peichun....ARGH!!! i wonder if can win....sighs. peichun ppl are so ho say maybe got chance....isabel wasn't very confident....*crosses fingers*
