Posted on: Monday, February 25, 2008
Posted at: 5:40 AM
Posted at: 5:40 AM
haha...had a match with pei tong today...we played soooo HORRIBLY! at least i did....i missed every underbasket shot....argh. *pulls at hair and screams* haha. but at least can go to the semi-finals. yay. but then have to play with yay. haha. next match on friday with radin mas....played with them last year and beat them....but dunno if still can beat them this year....i hope so. of coz if we play like how we did today we can't beat them...duh....haha. my father say they pro least their first five....gah. i'm playing first five!!! great. wonderful. brilliant. just ingenious! prodigious! haha. eek...wat if i dun play wonderfully well??? great....argh. nvm. ignore me. i'm hyperventilating. in the bus was soooo funny...yuan ru was posing for pics with very...."interesting" poses.....too bad she deleted the pics i funny!!! she was like "yo"....and then she couldn't stop laughing. but i got gladys' photo...and the one when leah piggybacks jade....that was...erm scary. no doubt jade was in very little danger...being erm...extremely capable on staying on leah's back...i was kinda wondering wat would happen if she really fell and broke ang would have killed ho also.

haha...ok...erm...gladys looks kind of scary if u zoom in...haha. the other one was soooo much funnier....yuan ru was in a fit...:D
she looks cute!

haha...ok...erm...gladys looks kind of scary if u zoom in...haha. the other one was soooo much funnier....yuan ru was in a fit...:D
she looks cute!
Posted on: Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Posted at: 11:09 PM
Posted at: 11:09 PM
GONG XI GONG XI...diao. i can't say how much i hate those words...on chinese new year we still have to study. HOW UNFAIR CAN IT GET??? they are sooooo least dun have to wear those stupid little chongsam thingies. i would pratically die in those. i wouldn't be caught dead in a chongsam....ok, maybe wore it last time....but that was LAST time....yuck. i saw some P4 ppl weasring chongsams that were too small for them today. haha. i was almsot falling asleep during the singing part of the chinese new year "celebration concert" boring. i wish i didn't go to school today....can u believe it? out of 22 ppl, only 15 came. our class was like the smallest class. but 6R was the most obedient....everybody came to school. yay! not. i hate cny "celebrations"....wadeva. at least they let us off early today. last year we still had to study for full day unfair. -.-" haha.
oh ang injured his knee...when all this time he was the one telling us not to injure ourselves. so now mr ho has to coach us...erm...ok. mr ho doesn't really scold...but he lectures us a lot. hope this year can get 1st for zone. nationals xiang tou bu neng xiang. erm. haha. first match next tues at 4.30 at teck ghee. argh!!!! hope we dun lose.....
oh ang injured his knee...when all this time he was the one telling us not to injure ourselves. so now mr ho has to coach us...erm...ok. mr ho doesn't really scold...but he lectures us a lot. hope this year can get 1st for zone. nationals xiang tou bu neng xiang. erm. haha. first match next tues at 4.30 at teck ghee. argh!!!! hope we dun lose.....
Posted on: Friday, February 1, 2008
Posted at: 8:09 PM
Posted at: 8:09 PM
*cry*....i can't believe the biography show and tell is like on this tues...i am sooo dead! i haven't even memorised the script yet....i have no idea how i am ever gonna do that. plus....i dun even know if my script can fit the stupid time limit!!!!! amazingly, i wrote quite a lot in my script, and still need to edit it. i haven't found my items yet also.....i am soooo dead. haha. save me, somebody! though i do know what they are gonna am i ever get a cross!? cause i definitely do NOT have one.....argh! i have the other two items....not telling....cause then definitely anyone who reads this will know who i'm presenting. i haven't told anyone yet...muah ha ha. sigh. father brought me to go play bball today. FINALLY! for weeks and weeks something popped up, and couldn't go....argh. it was so irritating. my feet are still aching....coz a few months ago i sprained the left ankle, and a few weeks ago i sprained the right one. how unlucky can i get? leah also sprained her ankle...and she had to RICE. tt was soooo funny. some acronym mr ang came up with. the look on her face was soooo but it healed good. but then bern dislocated her thumb...i think. so she can't play. its like everyone's getting close to the competitions. soooo unlucky. i hope yuan ru and isy don't fall into a drain or anything....without them we're sure to lose. especially yuan ru. haha.
leanne father brought me to go play bball today. FINALLY! for weeks and weeks something popped up, and couldn't go....argh. it was so irritating. my feet are still aching....coz a few months ago i sprained the left ankle, and a few weeks ago i sprained the right one. how unlucky can i get? leah also sprained her ankle...and she had to RICE. tt was soooo funny. some acronym mr ang came up with. the look on her face was soooo but it healed good. but then bern dislocated her thumb...i think. so she can't play. its like everyone's getting close to the competitions. soooo unlucky. i hope yuan ru and isy don't fall into a drain or anything....without them we're sure to lose. especially yuan ru. haha.