Posted on: Sunday, September 30, 2007
Posted at: 6:04 AM
haha...just now me, wei yan, jia yan and estella made something resembling pizza and potato salad...and apparently to jia yan, I seemed somewhat like a supervisor. How...interesting. She was just soooo engrossed in doing her pizza....i think....while me and wei yan and estella were slaving at trying to get the skin off the's v. hot, btw. And then while all the other ppl disappeared using the com and readin...i was stirring something weird...and pulling out my own hair. It was so annoying...u should see my shirt...its splattered with unidentified sauces and "thingies". But it was...educational...I will never do such things ever again... unless there is a very domineering person there who can give out orders...or my mother, maybe.


Posted on: Friday, September 28, 2007
Posted at: 3:49 AM
yays. today is children's day...kind of anyway. But good thing is, the next monday I won't have to go to school! Sooooooo good lor, can stay at home and do my own stuff...the prospect of homework doesn't even seem tt bad long as I dun have to wake up early....i hate waking up early....dotz. Today children's day was soo...weird, like all the P5 teachers, including GEP, all dressed up in camp t shirts and starting prancing around, reenacting the P5 camp scene. The funniest one was ling lao shi, she was dragging all these heavy bags with her, and then started frantically waving her free hand at was so funny. And mrs lee was sucking her thumb. ha.


Posted on: Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Posted at: 5:04 AM much homework and revision to do larhx...I've barely got time to do them all. There's maths, social studies, english and revision for all subjects....tomorrow is the social studies exam! Bet it going to be very difficult, ms poon said "must read carefully". I hope it won't be too difficult. I didn't really have time to study, I'm going to study after this. I wish the teachers didn't pile us with homework...until we haven't any time to do any of them. *sigh*


Posted on: Thursday, September 20, 2007
Posted at: 5:51 AM
YAY!!! Finally, the investigation paper is over. I won' have to worry so much was so nerve-wrecking waiting and waiting for the examination date. I already know how much I got....itwas soooo little...21 upon 25. I could have gotten 22!!!! So annoying...yi yin got full marks. So lucky lorh...but she is the maths whiz, so good for her. At least I have english...haha.

You know, nowadays, very little ppl go to the court to play basketball during recess lor. Today there was like, only me. Isabel got prefect duty, and Yuan Ru went off with friends. Nursya and Jade dun come anymore, not to mention Gladys. Now there's only sad. I wish we were more of a team like before.


Posted on: Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Posted at: 4:46 AM
*jitter* tomorrow got the maths investigation!!! I am soooo nervous. This year's one they changed it, and it became soooo much more difficult! Like you really need a lot of logic to figure them out, and we only got like, 45 mins....I'm so nervous larhx....I scared I fail....argh. I wish they didn't change the maths investigation. Last time it was all patterns and numbers, which could be figured out using a certain method....but now, it's all totally random! ARGH. *pulling out own hair* I tried to study, and redo my worksheet, but as mr tan says, investigation cannot study's either you can do it, or u cannot. As usual with maths. Evonne just guesses the whole part which she doesn't know, not that that's very effective. But last time she even guessed her paper marks correctly...i dunno how she does it. argh. *cry*


Posted on: Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Posted at: 1:06 AM
haha..i'm playing this really weird game called the impossible quiz. Quite fun. Oh, and yesterday, I just finished my ERP, which is such a RELIEF!!! I mean I spent a lot of time on that one, and I was sooooo nervous....thought I wasn't shaking or anything. And I was tres unlucky...I coincidentally got a cough, which made me talk very soft, like I'm not soft enough. But good thing those ppl sitting on the floor heard. Phew. Finally its over...but still got one new one which came up that very day. A wrinkle in time performance task. Sigh. They give us sooo many projects.


Posted on: Saturday, September 15, 2007
Posted at: 7:31 AM
i'm so happy. My father gonna's be coming home tomorrow, after about one week overseas somewhere over the blue. Haha. I miss him...sorta. And it's quite annoying to have no one help me chase my brothers out of my room. Haha. NO, i dun mean it that way, I just miss him. I can't wait for tomorrow. He's coming home at about six, i think. His plane lands at five, and it takes one hour from changi airport to my home. Pretty far, isn't it? I'm just thankful that nothing bad happened during his trip, just that the airport lost his luggage and he had to do without his clothes for a while. But the airport called a few days ago, and i think they found the luggage. yay.


Posted on:
Posted at: 12:51 AM
now at jia yan's house for no reason, using the computer and reading my book. Just now we two went to the library at lot 1 to borrow books, cause there was nothing else to do, and my books were going to be overdue. So I returned all my three books, and spent like 50 minutes finding and choosing books. Jia Yan was tres fast lorhx...she had to wait ten minutes plus for me. hehe. I got four books, but doesn't look very impressive. I'm reading one about this girl, who was so weird, and smth around there. fantasy, I think. It's the best genre ever! hah. My room was also invaded, and I couldnt' even have peace in my room. So well....but my bro all got out already, as well as their frens. Good.


Posted on: Friday, September 14, 2007
Posted at: 10:49 AM
hahas...posting again, after about twenty minutes or so. i was practically sleeping just now, and jia yan had to smack my hand before i woke up. three times. thank you. Then, after that, went to the kitchen to snack, cause I was sooooooo hungry. So jia yan ate the wang wang biscuit, and i ate two chocolate chip cookies. Soooooo nice.... :D I can still taste it...haha. dun feel very tired now, after walking around...(more like creeping around) and laughing and eating. That was fun. Very fun...even though jia yan didn't know the art of "how to open locked doors without making any sound". She was so noisy larhx. First she started laughing on the way to the kitchen, then when opening the door after we locked it, she made a loud clicking sound, and then later stepped on the weighing machine. How....quiet. haha. -.-"


First post...THE official welcome...not
Posted on:
Posted at: 9:16 AM
hah...finally i've done the blogskin for this blog. It took me like one whole week to do annoying. i tried thousands of times...until today, when I asked mi fren to help. yay. i like this blogskin. it's cute. But jia yan thinks it looks weird. wadeva. the white thingy looks like a hairless puffle, so cute...i like this's better than the other one. At least i got the blogskin done. at least it looks nice. To me, of course. But who cares larhx?
